Rehtaeh was a victim of heinous crimes and her family has been fighting to get justice for her. Unfortunately, the Canadian police did not think that a forced gang rape of this teenager was serious enough to warrant a thorough investigation, and they dropped the case.
Only after the news and bad publicity went viral over the Internet, did authorities reopen the case, in particular due to the pressure placed on them by Rehtaeh's family, and apparently more importantly, the bad world wide publicity that Canadian authorities were receiving in the way they mishandled the events leading up to Rehtaeh's death.
Promises were made to her family, pompous politicians spoke hollow words of a new investigation, a change in education of values, but in reality simply waited patiently for the furor to die down, so that they would end up doing nothing, just paying phony "lip service" to cover their own personal political careers.
Canada never intended to seriously do anything about the issue of forced rape, just like the United States, and other "civilized countries" have also in most every case, trivialized rape as a non crime.
Things got quiet for awhile in Rehtaeh's case but now some sick, cowardly, bastards have re-lit the fire of hate, arrogance, and the demeaning once again of Rehtaeh's life in threatening to kill her father "if he didn't shut up".
They have done this because they do not fear any criminal action against them, and see the Canadian government as a weak, heartless, souless bunch of politicians who care nothing about justice.
Now it has been reported that Rehtaeh's father has received death threats warning that if he doesn't "shut up" he'll "join his daughter."
Since Rehtaeh Parsons, 17, killed herself in April, her father, Glen Canning, has been a vocal advocate against cyber bullying and has demanded justice in the horrific case, in which two teens are facing porn-related charges.
But he said he has now received a sinister message posted on his YouTube account demanding he 'shut up' or his life may be at risk. He has alerted police and they have launched an investigation.

(Glen Canning, pictured above)
The death threat to Mr. Canning was,"I know where you
live, I know your face, I know your car, I know your house, I know where
you work. And you better shut up, bud, or you're going to be joining
your daughter." Just stuff like that,' Canning told CBC News of the threats. 'It's pretty sad, actually.'
He added that he felt threatened enough to call the Canadian police.
"I would say I don't trust them why would I they are capable of doing some pretty sick stuff so whether or not they decide to take a shot at me some day I don't know," he said.
Police can request YouTube provide them with the person's information such as the IP address of the computer from where the comment originated.
In the meantime, Canning said he is taking precautions including setting up security cameras around his Nova Scotia home.

(Rehtaeh Parsons, pictured above, was labelled a 'slut' after she was gang raped by four teenagers in 2011).
(The two teen suspects, pictured above, now 18,
cannot be identified under Canadian law because they were 16 when the crime took place)
Glen Canning stated that "We have cameras set up around our home right now to keep track of things. But I think that they're gutless cowards. They're the kind of people that would show up in the middle of the night and spray paint your house."
The threats come just a week after the lawyer for one of the two 18-year-olds charged with circulating rape pictures of Parsons is also being persecuted by a "cyber-lynch mob."
Parsons' tragic suicide brought international attention to her claims that she was gang-raped when she was 15 and then relentlessly tormented by classmates who called her a 'slut' and harassed her for sex.
Much of the bullying was a result of a photo the circulated at her school that showed Parsons being assaulted by a teen boy while throwing up out a window.
They were both in court on August 15 with their parents for a brief appearance. The judge set a trial for September 19.
Josh Arnold, the attorney for one of the men, told CTV News that his client has already been convicted in the court of public opinion.
"The Internet mavens and some members of the media have acted like a lynch mob in relation to this matter. They've tried and convicted this person without any due process whatsoever," he said.
The two 18 year olds are charged with child pornography. One is accused of taking the picture, both are accused of circulating it. Because the alleged crime took place when the men were 16, they are charged as juveniles and their identities cannot be revealed.

(Rehtaeh with her parents (see above)
Rehtaeh's father said she killed herself out of disappointment in her
school, her former friends and law enforcement officers who failed to
help her
Her heartbroken parents say that she hanged herself in their bathroom two years after the alleged attack because she could not bear to bullying and torment at school.
Her uncle was furious about the attorney's allegations.
"This man's saying that these boys have been prosecuted in the media.That hasn't been the case. That's not true," Michael Parsons said.
"This case has been brought forward in the media. Because, it was only through the media participation that this case is even being looked at today."
He also said he is praying for the two accused.

A handful of protesters (see above) turned out
to the courthouse where the suspects in the Rehtaeh case were appeared on August 15
Michael Parsons stated that "I have to pray for these boys. I have to pray for them to become good men. That's the hardest thing for me to do. But it's something I have to do. That's what's hard. If you want to know the truth that's the hardest thing to do," he told the CBC.
have absolutely no faith in the RCMP or the Halifax city police or the
Crown prosecutors because they totally dropped this case, they totally
dropped the ball, according to the uncle."
Rehtaeh's death led to an outcry because no one was charged or even reprimanded at the school, either for her rape or for the bullying.
Four boys, aged 14, 17, and two aged 16, allegedly took turns sexually assaulting her on November 12, 2011, after plying her with alcohol, she told her mother days after.
Her mother said she saw an image of the alleged attack which showed her daughter being raped by a teenage boy as he gave a 'thumbs up' sign while she vomited out of a window.
Police initially concluded there were no grounds to charge anyone after a year-long investigation.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Corporal Scott MacRae said they arrested two males.

(Rehtaeh is pictured above as a baby with her parents, Leah Parsons and Glen Canning.)
The arrests came after someone came forward in April and provided new information and said they were willing to verify who the suspects are.
"We're just hopeful there's charges laid and others to arrest, hoping that they're finally willing to tell their side of the story," Leah Parsons, Rehtaeh's mother, said.
"A sense of relief came over me that at least they're going to be questioned."
Last month Leah and her husband spoke to People magazine about their daughter's tragic death. "When Rehtaeh was born, I promised her the world. Now my beautiful girl is gone," Leah said.

(Rehtaeh's mother chokes back tears above, at the teenager's funeral in April after she hanged herself)

Cole Harbour High School staff failed to address this crime or even speak to the boys involved and Rehtaeh eventually transferred to another school.
Rehtaeh eventually closed down her Facebook page because there were so many men asking her to have sex with them. They would say: ‘You had sex with my friend, so why not me?’
The response from the school was, apparently, to do very little. Halifax school board spokesman Doug Hadley has said that none of the boys were spoken to.
Her father, Glen Canning, told People earlier: "My daughter wasn't bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she thought she could trust, her school, and the police."
Rehtaeh's death prompted the Nova Scotia government to launch reviews of the RCMP's original investigation and the school board's handling of the matter.
An independent review released in June concluded the Halifax Regional School Board could have done a better job, but it was hindered by the fact that Rehtaeh was often absent from class.
You see, rape is not really a crime according to these idiots. It's Rehtaeh's fault, "she wasn't in class enough" they allege, so how could she be interviewed?
Apparently they couldn't go to her house to speak to Rehtaeh, or call her parents, because well, you know, how would they find the directions to where she lived, or her telephone number, that's hard work for them.
Sure the School Board "could have done a better job, but she was "absent from class often", that's the real problem the school says.
Sure the Police could have done a better job, but you know, boys will be boys, and she was drunk anyway.
Sure the politicians "cared so much" about what happened that they were going to get to the truth, but only when the media was shining on them.
And so it goes, always blame the victims, never take accountability for the actions, negligence, and inactions of those who are in charge of protecting the rights of human beings.
Canada has learned it's lessons well from us in America, talk the talk, do nothing to obtain justice for victims, blame the victims for somehow being deserving of their tragedy.
So it goes in this dispensable world of innocent people who get killed and erased by those sworn to protect them.