It has become a jungle of information, misinformation overload for the average person as to specifically what kinds of things we should ingest, avoid, embrace, in our never ending quest to take better care of ourselves.
Lane, a good friend of mine, often sends me emails or tells me of the various media news reported studies that inform us of the things that are good for us to eat, do, get, and live "better". Her response to answer the questions I have about many of these "studies" and the accuracy of the reports are always answered by her telling me "because it's good for you".
For sure everybody knows that certain things are “good for you.” In fact, I am usually amazed at the lists that people can spout off in just a moment or two without really thinking about it. Like my quick list:
- Don’t smoke
- Wear a seatbelt
- Floss daily
- Eat veggies
- Get eight hours of sleep
- Wear a clean pair of underwear daily
I decided to conduct my own further research into the land of things that are good and bad for you. Some of my findings will surprise you, others will confirm what you suspected all along as a plot to deny your sweet tooth its cravings, while some will completely defy rational thought.
I always suspected that having desert for breakfast is good for you and now science has confirmed it to be true.Your mother, doctors and life lied to you. According to scientists, combining a low-calorie diet that includes dessert for breakfast will help you lose weight. Sweets, cookies, creme brulee, cake.ALL OF IT will help you lose weight if you start your day off like that. I love breakfast now.This is amazing people!
ACCORDING TO THE STUDY scientists put 144 obese people on a low carb, low calorie diet (1,400 calories for women, 1,600 calories for men) that were exactly identical except that one of the diets included "a high-carbohydrate, protein-enriched breakfast with a choice of cookies, chocolate, cake or ice cream for dessert."
What's interesting is that during the first 16-week period, the average weight loss was the same, both groups lost 32 pounds on average. Where it got very interesting was the 16 week followup, people with the dessert for breakfast diet lost 13 more pounds while the other group gained back all but 3.5 pounds of the weight they lost.
Every day we're inundated with lists of things to improve our lives. Most of these lists spell out obvious solutions to our everyday problems: Eat less, exercise more, spend less money, don't kill your children.
To begin, I don't want to tell you what you already know, so I have created a list of five bad things you never knew were potentially good for you:
- Smoking Crack –If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, you're just not motivated enough. That hunger for your next hit of crack will not only get you out of bed, but it'll make you do things you never thought you could do. Smoking crack can also lead to weight loss and increased income streams from theft and prostitution.
- Breaded Bacon and Cheese Sticks Fried in Coconut Oil – Some people call them "fat sticks" or "heart stoppers", but experts agree that if you die of a heart attack at sixty-seven you won't have to save as much for retirement. Double up your intake of these "grease nails" and you might not have to save for retirement at all. With that kind of cash flow improvement you could get that boat you've always wanted.
- Ebola – Nothing says more than having your fifteen minutes of fame like being the first person in the US to contract the Ebola virus. You'll guarantee yourself a spot in the annals of medical history.
- Losing Fingers to a Circular Saw – Admit it, you've always wanted to be able to write left handed. Now you can. With no thumb on your right hand, what else are you going to do? Your ability to make others feel sorry for you went up a notch as well. Also, micro particles of iron from the blade can enter directly into the bloodstream giving added protection from anemia.
- Dying – Who among us wouldn't give their life for a stress-free non-existence? Dying is highly underrated as a means to relieve stress. No stupid boss with impossible deadlines. No bills to pay. Absolutely no worries. Ever hear a dead person complain about being dead? I didn't think so.
1. Artery Crust

Judging by the label, Marie Callender’s (16.5 oz) Chicken Pot Pie has "only" 520 calories, 11 grams of saturated fat, and 800 mg of sodium. But look again. Those numbers are for only half a pie. Eat the entire pie, as most people probably do, and you’re talking 1,040 calories, 22 grams of saturated fat (more than a day’s worth), and 1,600 mg of sodium (an entire day’s worth).
2. Triple Bypass

Can’t decide what to pick from a restaurant menu? No worries. Now you can order not just one entrée, but two or three, all at once. Olive Garden’s Tour of Italy consists of Homemade Lasagna, Lightly Breaded Chicken Parmigiana, and Creamy Fettuccine Alfredo. All of this totals 1,450 calories, 33 grams of saturated fat, and 3,830 milligrams of sodium. Add a bread stick (150 calories and 400 mg of sodium) and a plate of Garden-Fresh Salad with dressing (350 calories and 1,930 mg of sodium) and you’ll consume almost 2,000 calories (an entire day’s worth) and 6,160 mg.
3. Salt's On!

On average, a cup of Campbell’s condensed soup has 760 mg of sodium. That’s half a day’s worth, assuming you eat only one of the 2½ servings that the label says the can makes. Campbell’s Healthy Request and Select Harvest, Progresso Reduced Sodium, and Healthy Choice slash the sodium to the 400s.
4. Tortilla Terror

Interested in a Chipotle Chicken Burrito (tortilla, rice, pinto beans, cheese, chicken, sour cream, and salsa)? Think of its 970 calories, and 18 grams of saturated fat as three 6-inch Subway BLT Classic Subs! Skipping the cheese or sour cream cuts the saturated fat to 6 grams, but you still end up with 750 calories and more than a day’s worth of sodium. Yikes!
5. Factory Reject

People don’t expect light desserts at The Cheesecake Factory. But the Chocolate Tower Truffle Cake kicks things up a notch. If it weren’t served on its side, this one would stand over six inches tall. And upright or not, the slab of cake still weighs in at three-quarters of a pound. What do you get for all that? Just 1,760 calories and 2½ days’ worth of saturated fat (50 grams), mostly from chocolate, sugar, cream, white flour, and butter.
6. Burial Grands

No one thinks of cinnamon rolls as health food. But each Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Roll with icing has 310 calories and 2 grams of saturated fat plus 2½ grams of trans fat (more than a day’s worth) and 5 teaspoons of sugar. Companies are dumping their partially hydrogenated oils left and right, yet Pillsbury still makes most of its rolls and biscuits with the stuff.
7. Transgression

8. Starbucks on Steroids

9. Extreme Ice Cream

An average halfcup serving of Häagen-Dazs ice cream squeezes half-a-day’s saturated fat and a third-of-a-day’s cholesterol into your artery walls and makes a nearly 300-calorie down payment on your next set of fat cells, if you can stop at a petite half-cup!
10. Stone Cold

Cold Stone Creamery’s Oh Fudge! shake (chocolate ice cream, milk, and fudge syrup) starts at 1,250 calories for the “Like It” (16 oz) size. That’s more than a large (32 oz) McDonald’s McCafe Chocolate Triple Thick Shake. The “Love It” (20 oz) has 1,660 calories and the “Gotta Have It” (24 oz) reaches 1,920 calories (just about an entire day's worth) and 69 grams of saturated fat (3½ days’ worth). That's the saturated fat content of two 16 oz T-bone steaks plus a buttered baked potato, all blended into a handy 24 oz cup.