June 24 - Home Sweet Home - 4 Days Post Op!
June 27, 2013 10:45pm

Well, it took Simon a shade over four days to go from transplant patient in the hospital to recovering from surgery in his own bed at home. AT HOME! Simon came home this past Tuesday and we have been busy making him comfortable and helping him adjust to a schedule that includes blood tests and doctors visits 3x per week. Simon also has some goals related to drinking and....er.....sending that water on its way......you get the idea. Simon is eating, walking up and down the street, making us laugh and scanning the internet auction houses for rare coins. We are thrilled to have him home with us and watch daily as he gains more strength and mobility. Karen (the donor, a successful professional also the mother of 2 children is doing extremely well with her recovery and I know she felt the cosmic love that our community sent her way. We felt it also. I will post some photos soon, as long as I can catch up to Simon and snap a few. Our entire family sends its love back to you all for your being with us on this journey.
Peace and Blessings
Danny, Susan, Simon and Samara
Sometimes a thing happens that for at least a few moments restores my faith in humanity. With all the ugly, cruel, insane events constantly taking place in the world, here is a flicker of sunlight that has snuck in.
In March, I wrote a post about a young man, Simon Meyer who is in desperate need of a kidney transplant-Click Here To Read That Story.
A friend of my mine, Maxene had at that time mentioned his plight to me and that of his family in fighting against time to save his life.
Today, my same friend shared with me the good news. A donor has finally been found and medically cleared for a kidney transplant with Simon, tentatively scheduled as of now for June 21.
So I thought how amazing this is. A total stranger, for no other reason than to do good for another human being, volunteers to undergo transplant surgery to give one of her kidneys to Simon Meyer.
Pinch me, in our indifferent world of selfishness, here is a true and beautiful act showing that there are still some people in this world who have love compassion, courage, kindness, and caring to give literally of their self, to help save another person.
This is not just a gesture by a "guardian angel donor", it's not the same as giving a donation of money to help someone or something, it is so much more than that because it involves a completely unselfish, altruistic act of a person, who will subject themselves to be hospitalized, have surgery done on them, their kidney removed, ALL for another human being they don't even know.
This donor will give Simon Meyer the gift of life, and she will receive an equally tremendous gift in return. The knowledge and indescribable feeling of saving another human being because, and only because of her courageous actions.
Below is a post from Daniel Meyer, father of Simon Meyer, in his own words, describing the news. It doesn't get much better than this in life.
We all wish the best of health, success, and happiness to Simon Meyer, his "Guardian Angel Donor", and to the families of both.
"I received the wonderful word yesterday-Click Here-from Simon's Guardian Angel, that she has been cleared for take off!
Yes, folks, the long awaited news of matched and cleared donor has arrived. So many people have stepped forward for evaluation and testing to see if they were compatible with Simon.
It is truly humbling to talk with people who have offered to share part of themselves with Simon and to really Done Vida, Donate Life. Their contribution to our journey cannot be measured or appropriately thanked...we just offer them back the love and good wishes that they have sent toward Simon.
Back to the news! June 21 has been penciled in as Simon's Get Back To Full Health Day. A date for a new kidney to start cleaning his blood of the toxins that has kept him out of school for a year, kept him from being himself, kept him from typical teenage activities, and sidelined him with fatigue and much more is now in sight and reach.
As we approach June 21, I will reach out to ask for your thoughts, energy, mojo, chi, zen, shalom, prayers, smiles, wishes.....you get the point - whatever you can contribute to the convergence of the Star Wars Medichlorion upon Simon would be greatly appreciated.
More to follow and thank you to all who have sent messages to Simon through CaringBridge Page.
Today is a great day!"