San Mateo County's attorney John Beiers words are stated above about our legal fight to obtain JUSTICE FOR STEVEN NATHANIEL WOLKOFF in the desecration by them of Steven's human remains.
Mr. Beiers further arrogantly says a fourth filing by us is a "colossal waste of public resources."
Apparently Mr. Beiers considers our right to due process under the laws of the United States and California as a waste of time, money and an annoyance to him.
Mr. Beiers apparently does not believe that the desecration by his County of the dignity deserved by my son in death and the horror in the manner it has damaged our family, is worthy of his valuable time. Nor does he seem at all concerned about the way a human being can be killed in San Mateo County and no one in authority has ever fulfilled their sworn duty to protect the remains of my son from being abused in any manner, by the defendants, including his own Office's legal conflict of interest in this case in originally allowing this inhuman behavior to take place .
A human life apparently is cheap in San Mateo County and the only thing Mr. Beier's gets correct is that the Wolkoff Family does not take no for an answer when you have stolen our son's soul from him. I am certain that the good Citizens of San Mateo County would agree with me and do the same in trying to gain justice for their loved ones.
See you in Court Mr. Beiers, Oh yeah, you won't be there since your Office has wasted a ton of money in tax payers money by hiring a large private Law Firm to do your dirty work in covering your ass and that of the others involved in violating my son's body. After all it is only about covering your asses and not about being accountable for the true facts of the horrific acts your Office, plus the Coroners Office allowed to happen to Steven.
What are you so scared of Mr. Beier's in allowing a Jury of your neighbors to decide whether what happened to Steven was a violation of his rights, a violation of laws that you are trying to manipulate by hiding behind, and which has damaged us beyond agony that any parents should ever experience.
Shame on you, shame on the San Mateo County Government, how any of you can sleep at night is beyond me. You have no conscience nor courage to do the right thing and admit you have violated the sanctity owed to a dead person, a victim, and their family.
I wonder how the people of San Mateo County feel about what you have done in the past to their own dead, to our son, and in the future to other families. Hopefully by our not taking no for an answer, others will be spared from your cruelty in disrespecting the remains of our loved ones.

Couple sues San Mateo County Coroner for fourth time over son's brain
Posted: 08/01/2012 04:17:59 PM PDT
Updated: 08/01/2012 07:00:29 PM PDT
REDWOOD CITY -- A New York couple have refiled for the third time their lawsuit which claims San Mateo County's coroner broke the law when he let an ambulance company take samples of their dead son's brain.
Jerald and Sandra Wolkoff's suit, filed Tuesday in San Mateo County Superior Court, alleges state rules require officials to get permission to turn over body parts to investigators in certain circumstances. The Wolkoffs say they never gave their OK for Coroner Robert Foucrault to give some of their son Steven Wolkoff's brain stem to American Medical Response.
Although judges have dismissed the three previous iterations of the Wolkoffs' lawsuit, each time they also allowed the family to file a revised complaint.
Steven Wolkoff died after a July 21, 2008, car crash on Highway 1 near Green Oaks Way.
His parents alleged, in a separate 2009 suit, that American Medical Response workers made medical errors that led to their son's death. The company got Wolkoff's brain tissue in preparation for its defense against the wrongful death case, which has since been settled for an undisclosed sum, attorneys said.
San Mateo County's attorney John Beiers said the Wolkoff's case against the coroner has already been thrown out three times and that a fourth filing is a "colossal waste of public resources." He added Foucrault didn't do anything wrong and there's no legal basis for yet another suit.
"Apparently they don't take no for an answer," said Beiers. "Everything that's in their complaint has already been (thrown out)."
Foucrault has been accused previously of mishandling the remains of the dead. Isolina Picon sued the coroner in 2007 after learning his office had retained her son's heart. Picon's suit was later dismissed.
The Wolkoffs' attorney Steve Brewer said his clients, who are devout Jews, were horrified to find out they had buried their son without all of his body parts and that his brain had been dissected. Judaism considers dissection, except for urgent reasons, a matter of "shame and gross dishonor," the complaint says.
Brewer said he hopes the judges have given his client three chances to refile because they see some validity in their complaint."We're kind of dancing with the judge," said Brewer. "We're trying to find the language he would find acceptable to let us pursue this."
Contact Joshua Melvin at 650-348-4335. Follow him at