Prosecute GM for failing to recall unsafe vehicles
Petition BY: Karlie Brighton Yarbrough, Jacksonville, Florida in Memory of her Cousin 19 year old Sarah Trautwein.
Sarah was killed by the negligence and indifference of a human life, by General Motors.

"Dear Jerry,
Thanks for signing my petition, "DOJ: Prosecute GM for failing to recall unsafe vehicles."
Can you help this petition grow stronger by asking others to sign too?
Thanks again -- together we're making change happen,
Karlie Brighton Yarbrough"
To sign this petition and have your voice heard that human life, any
innocent human life has a value of preciousness that must be respected
by GM, our Government, and all human beings CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION.
Does your heart beat, do you have a pulse, do you care about innocent victims whose lives are trying to be erased as if they were never alive. Surely you have 5 seconds to go to the link ABOVE and sign the petition to have your voice heard. Don't assume this will always "be someone else's child" No one is safe when our children's lives are treated as disposable garbage.
Does your heart beat, do you have a pulse, do you care about innocent victims whose lives are trying to be erased as if they were never alive. Surely you have 5 seconds to go to the link ABOVE and sign the petition to have your voice heard. Don't assume this will always "be someone else's child" No one is safe when our children's lives are treated as disposable garbage.
cousin was killed when her Chevy Cobalt's ignition switch turned-off,
causing her car to continue moving without being able to steer. Her
airbags also didn't deploy.
It was a beautiful summer morning and
Sarah and Betty were driving home from visiting friends in Myrtle
Beach. Sarah Trautwein was a freshman at the University of South
She was planning on studying pediatric cardiology and helping
children with heart problems. She was the kind of girl who was friends
with absolutely everyone, always smiling, and unconditionally adored
her family.
This particular instance she cut her trip short because she
was missing her puppy, Sonnie, and her mom, Renee, way too much to stay
away any longer.
So, 7:00 that morning she woke-up and hit the road
for home. She got on I-95 north and only had under an hour to go when
Sarah and Betty fatally hit a tree.
You see, Betty was Sarah’s name for
her 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt, and, unfortunately, Betty had a glitch. A
big glitch. A glitch that ultimately ended Sarah’s 19-year life.
glitch within Betty was a faulty ignition switch that would randomly
turn-off the vehicle while it was driving down the road; an ignition
switch whose replacement would cost $0.59. That’s right: an ignition
switch that would cost less than the change found in practically
anyone's vehicle.
As it turns out, General Motors (the
company who owns Chevrolet) knew about this defect. The INFAMOUS
General Motors! General Motors: the company the American government
and taxpayers had to financially support and bailout of financial ruin
in 2009. General Motors: the company whose famous Chevrolet motto is
“The Heartbeat of America.” General Motors: the company who touts safety
ratings on their vehicles. General Motors: the company who killed my
Not only did we find out that Sarah
died without her airbag deploying, we recently found-out that Sarah’s
vehicle was one of 2.6 million that should have been recalled for the
faulty ignition switch. Seems simple, right? Funny enough, we also
found-out that there was a company cover-up in regards to this issue in
2006. A COVER-UP! A cover-up recently questioned by congress!
knew about the issues with their vehicles, went through measures to hide
them from the public, ate dinner and went home to bed.
Meanwhile, my
aunt hasn’t had a full night’s sleep since Sarah’s passing, couldn’t eat
for months, and will wear the pain of losing a child on her face until
the day she dies.
Yet GM could have prevented this: the untimely deaths
of so many! And mind you, this was three whole years before Sarah’s
So, no, it wasn’t Betty who killed our precious Sarah.
It was GM, the so called “Hearbeat of America.”
It was the executives and employees at GM who were knowingly involved in
the negligence, cover-ups and the scandal of the situation.
It was
anyone who knew about the neglect. If only one person had spoken-up our
Sarah and the 40+ others who have been killed in similar accidents
would be here today.
This is a serious matter and serious
action must be taken. Please help us raise awareness and spread the
word and help save lives. And please don’t be fooled by any of GM’s
attempts at saving face.
General Motors/Chevrolet executives are shrewd,
unethical, and heartless people: making it virtually impossible to be
the “Heartbeat of America”.
*While this petition was written from
the perspective of Sarah's family and friends, this petition is in the
hopes of avenging ALL those who were killed or injured due to GM's gross
Readers of this Blog can take 5 seconds out of your life and sign this petition. It is a simple, but effective way to express your support of all Victims of injustice and the manner in which human beings are disrespected, tossed away as if they were a piece of garbage, and their lives attempted to be erased as if they never existed !