A new Gallup poll highlights the fact that Americans are at their wits’ end with government, all three branches of government.
Confidence in the Supreme Court, Congress, and the presidency has hit record lows.

The Supreme Court is down to a 30 percent approval rating, an all time low. Congress is currently at 7 percent, another all time low. The President is now at 29 percent, a six year low, and an all time low under Obama, just 4 points higher than the all time low under then reviled George W. Bush in 2007.
The branch with the most steep drop in confidence is the presidency, falling a full seven percentage points from its 2013 rating of 36 percent.
Obama is currently experiencing worse ratings than his two predecessors, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, at the same point in their terms, and has done in each subsequent year of his presidency.
To put this into further perspective, in 1998 Bill Clinton had a rating 24 points higher than Obama currently does, despite the fact that he was embroiled in a sex scandal and facing impeachment.

At the same point in Bush’s presidency, his approval remained higher than Obama’s is now, despite the fact that American support for the Iraq war was at an all time low.
Since this time last year, approval for the Supreme Court, has fallen by four points, with approval for Congress falling three points. It’s a steady decline, with both branches having fared poorly from 2012 to 2013 also.

Congress, as highlighted above, is now trusted by fewer than one in ten Americans. With more government scandals than you can shake a stick at, economic stagnation, destruction of the middle class, the widening gap between rich and poor, a crumbling nation wide infrastructure, Americans clearly feel that Congress is utterly failing to represent their views and wishes on Capitol Hill.
Gallup has also noted that of 17 institutions it has measured this year, Congress came rock bottom in terms of confidence status with Americans.
The criminal justice system, the health care system, and even banks all ranked much higher.
America’s elected representatives are also still viewed in a worse light than zombies, witches, dog poop, potholes, toenail fungus, and hemorrhoids.
Congress also still ranks less popular than cockroaches, lice, root canals, colonoscopies, traffic jams, used car salesmen, Genghis Khan, Communism, North Korea, BP during the Gulf Oil Spill, or Nixon during Watergate.
“While Americans clearly have the lowest amount of confidence in the legislative branch, ratings for all three are down and are at or near their lowest points to date.” Gallup notes.
Up until now, the bizarre loyalty of American voters has been that when they are asked if they'd vote for their own Congressman, historically a majority has said "Yes."
Until now.
The numbers have finally went upside down (CLICK HERE), with a majority now saying they would vote against even their own Member of Congress.
Most Americans now say Congress is so dysfunctional, they wouldn't even reelect their own Congressperson.
However, there is often a disconnect between what voters say and actually do in the voting booth. There is also a widespread failure of voters to actually cast a vote because they have no faith in the candidate's running for political office
In many ways the problem is staring at us every morning in the bathroom mirror.
Why do we keep voting for people we hate or not voting at all to dump them from their thrones of self indulging power?
Voters don't blame themselves, but in fact, they are part of the problem. They don't vote in primaries when it really matters. That is how they get stuck with two idiot clowns on the November general election ballot because they weren't there voting when these clowns were first selected in the primaries.
But the major part of the problem is that we in fact do not actually have a choice in elections, such as the upcoming mid year elections in November 2014.
Those running for Office have already usually been bought and paid for by special interest groups, to even get their name on the ballot.
Both Democrats and Republicans have cleverly redrawn the voting maps to redistrict the voters into safe party enclaves, so there really is no choice in much of America to kick out the politicians who have turned us all into powerless victims.
Yes, the slime ball politicians have abused their power by "fixing' the system so that your vote against them will not count very much, if at all.
The Founders of the Constitution agreed that we needed a representative democracy,
- They wanted a democracy, which according to their beliefs is a government where the views of the people
were represented by popularly elected leaders.
- Leaders have to be regularly elected by their constituents.
- The central purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of its citizens.
Congresspersons to change their attitude by demanding action to reform the current shit hole called Congress?
Can that happen, after all, we are The United States of America, land of the free and where democracy reigns supreme.
To be honest: No. This is not going to happen by those drunk with their own self interest, greed, corruption, and political power.
Don't you just hate honesty?