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Congress sneaks it through because they are all crooks, and $ talks! Will it be the will of the people or the usual money buys votes in politics. It's up to you. Let the politicians know we are watching them and they better listen to we the people.
This is what corruption looks like in Washington. It’s outrageous that Dodd himself a former senator is leveling these threats. Our elected officials must send a signal back to Dodd and the rest of K Street that our nation’s laws can’t be bought.
It's time that Congress showed that its votes are no longer for sale. Congress must give back the MPAA’s dirty money or give it to charity.
Congress must make it clear to the world that it won’t be bullied into supporting censorship.
Motion Picture Association of America President Chris Dodd ( former Senator from Conn,) just threatened to cut off Hollywood campaign contributions to any member of Congress who doesn’t pass his Internet-censorship legislation.
After Congress shelved the controversial PIPA and SOPA bills, Dodd told Fox News:“Those who count on quote ‘Hollywood’ for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who’s going to stand up for them when their job is at stake. Don’t ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don’t pay any attention to me when my job is at stake.”
This is what corruption looks like in Washington. It’s outrageous that Dodd, himself a former senator is leveling these threats. Our elected officials must send a signal back to Dodd and the rest of K Street that our nation’s laws can’t be bought.
It's time that Congress showed that its votes are no longer for sale. Congress must give back the MPAA’s dirty money or give it to charity.
WE must make it clear to Congress that it won’t be bullied into supporting censorship.
FYI, these are the MPAA "Dirty Dozen", the top recent recipients of the MPAA's cash (data comes courtesy of the Sunlight Foundation's Influence Explorer).:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.), Rep. Howard Berman (Calif.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Rep. Henry Waxman (Calif.), Rep. John Boehner (Ohio), Sen. Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), Rep. Colin Peterson (Minn.), Rep. Melvin Watt (N.C.
It's up to you. Make your politicians serve your needs and not the Corporate puppets who own them.
Thank you to my friend Ken A. for the shout out about the"YOU HAPPY PUPPET" song by 10,000 Maniacs from 1989 during the Regan era, sadly nothing has changed since then, as it fits so well with its lyrics below about this post and the puppet politicians.
"How did they teach you to be just a happy puppet dancing on a string? How did you learn everything that comes along with slavish funnery?
Tell me something, if the world is so insane, is it making you sane again to let another man tug at the thread that pulls up your nodding head?
How did they teach you to be just a happy puppet dancing on a string? How do you manage to live inside this tiny stage you can't leave?
Tell me something, if the world is so insane, is it making you sane again to let another man tug at the thread that pulls up your nodding head? A dullard strung on the wire. When the master's gone you hang there with your eyes and your limbs so lifeless.
How did they teach you to be just a happy puppet dancing on a string? How do you manage to speak, your mouth a frozen grin? A dullard strung on the wire. When the master's gone you hang there with your eyes and your limbs so lifeless.
Tell me something, if the world is so insane, is it making you sane again to let another man tug at the thread that pulls up your empty wooden head?
Your hollow head, your marble eyes, your wooden hands and your metal jaw pins all wait in limbo for the man who knows how to move you this way".