Friday, December 4, 2020


ACROSS AMERICA,the horrific daily statistics about Covid are so mind numbing that many people have become numb to the true meaning of how many lives are lost to Covid each day. People tend to block out it's meaning and the lives lost become "normalized" as it is too overwhelming to truly understand.

Putting this painful truth in perspective:
During the time you were putting in an eight-hour shift at work earlier this week, more than 930 Americans were killed by the coronavirus.
The final virus death toll reported in the United States on Wednesday was 2,798. That equates to just under two deaths per minute, about one every 30 seconds. Nine hundred thirty-two over the course of eight hours.
In the time it took you to take that 10-minute shower, another almost 20 people were dead of the virus. Then almost another four during the two minutes you spent brushing your teeth before bed.
That day it took the virus 23 minutes to kill almost as many people as the wildfires throughout the western United States have all year, and about 30 minutes to kill about as many people as the gunman in the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in United States history."