Jamie Dowling has decided to plead guilty to 2 counts of careless driving resulting in death. Her sentencing by the Court will be on August 14th, 2013.
Please Keep Jamie Dowling in your thoughts on August 14th.
Posted below is the current statement by Bernadette Bifano the courageous young person who started the petition that gathered over 208,000 signatures as of today in support of dropping the absurd, cruel, and unjust charges brought by the despicable little tyrant, bully D.A., Dan Hotsenpiller.
"I am very saddened to report that Jamie has decided to plead guilty. Sentencing will be August 14. Through this whole battle Jamie has just wanted it to be over so that she may move forward.
Pleading guilty will make that happen for her. I'm feeling very let down by our Judicial system making someone feel as though they are backed into a corner and shouldn't fight back. Thank you all to the many supporters, I wish I had better news. Please keep Jamie in your thoughts on August 14th".
You can click here to view the statement.
For myself as a Blogger who advocates on behalf of victims, it is with much regret that I am writing this update today about Jamie.
While I understand her decision to plead guilty based on the affects of the legal intimidation she has been subjected to, it is once again a travesty placed on a victim by an out of control Prosecutor who has overstepped his powers, corrupting the legal system of there being no justice served on behalf of those who are unable to fight back.
Thanks to the scare tactics of our court system another injustice has been perpetrated on an innocent victim while real criminals go free or get slapped on the wrist.
As an example, in my previous updated posts below of May 1, 2013 about how the former Montrose County Colorado Prosecutor, D.A. Myrl Serra was convicted of multiple heinous major felonies and got away with no jail time served.
I wish Jamie Dowling could've fought back, but I know from personal experience how horrible it is to be living this nightmare through the "justice system".
I hope that Jamie can get through sentencing quickly with hopefully no jail time to be served and that the Court has mercy on her .
I have to find solace in the fact that she knows there are many people thinking of her and backing her still.
Most disturbing is that Court records reflect in early June
2013, during one of Jamie's court dates, the court mandated
that Jamie not have any contact with Bernadette Bifano, the organizer
of the petition. No doubt the bully D.A. feels that he can use his power to get the Court to do whatever he pleases, including
depriving American citizens of their right to free speech.
Also, several unnamed persons familiar with the case indicated that
they were aware of intimidating scare tactics that were allegedly
inappropriately used by those in the legal system to stop any opposition
to the charges against Jamie to be reduced or dropped. I couldn’t get
anyone to agree to be quoted and identified as a
source on these allegations for their "fear of retaliation".
I'm telling you this because I want people to have an example, once again as in many of my other blog posts, of just how corrupt our legal system is.
We are living in a fake democracy, where there are law enforcement and legal prosecutors who despite being sworn to protect our rights of freedom according to the Constitution, have made a mockery of our court system.
These defenders of justice are criminals in their own manipulation of the laws, they wield unfettered, illegal power that violates our rights as Americans, because they know that they can.
They deliberately intimidate, abuse, and threaten the innocent, often the very vulnerable, the victims that they are supposed to protect, and instead cause them undo suffering, punishment for satisfaction of their one self ego, political, and assorted arrogance of the law can do anything it wants purposes.
Amazingly, not one time during this case has any Official of the the State of Colorado responded to the petition for Jamie Dowling against injustice signed by over 208,000 people.
It should illicit a response. There was and still is silence concerning this case of prosecutorial abuse.
I cannot find any mention in the media both in Colorado and elsewhere of anything beyond the original article describing the accident.
Fearless leaders, investigative journalism. Through this whole thing, nothing, nada, zero from any of them, complete silence.
This is the kind of a corrupt Country we live in, where innocent victims and those who seek justice, are beaten down continuously, case after case by the government and by those in charge.
Shame on all of you who have disgraced yourselves.
You obviously have no human feelings, no conscience. I do not know how you can sleep at night.
Two different legal systems exist in our Country, one for the politically connected, the rich, Corporate America who literally get away with murder, overt criminal behavior, and fraud. The other system for the rest of us who are left to be preyed upon and destroyed by those in power.
If you so desire, I suggest that you keep fighting for Jamie Dowling
by contacting the investigative/other journalists at the largest
Newspaper in Colorado, the Denver Post and the local Montrose Daily
Press (see below).
Wake them up! Ask them to investigate her case, have them publicize the actions of the legal system, and tell them to stand up for Americans.
Wake them up! Ask them to investigate her case, have them publicize the actions of the legal system, and tell them to stand up for Americans.
The Denver Post
101 W. Colfax Ave.
Suite 600
Denver, CO 80202
Contact us: Montrose Daily Press

A young mom is being threatened with jail after her two young children died in a car accident in a Colorado snowstorm. Ask the DA to drop charges against Jamie Dowling. |
Sign Bernadette's Petition-Click Here
WATCH VIDEO ABOVE about "Mother Charged in Fatal Colorado Wreck That Killed Her Two Children".
How can it be that the charges against Jamie Dowling have still not been dropped or reduced to her paying a simple fine?
It is unbelievable that no-one in the government of the State of Colorado has to this date corrected the abuse of power and grossly cruel over reach of a tyrant little D.A. who should be fired based on his arrogant use of the law which seems like prosecutorial misconduct.
Over 208,000 people as of today June 10th have signed the petition for the D.A. and/or the Governor of Colorado to drop the unfair, bullying tactics being used to intimidate Jamie Dowling, and allow this young mother to grieve in peace for her 2 young children.
Yet despite the petition and common sense legal interpretation of the law, not one wisp of a sane response from anyone in charge of the legal system or supposed " leaders" in Colorado. No compassion, no feelings, no sanity, no humanity, no recognition that an accident is not illegal, no understanding of what it means for a parent to lose children, no justice.
No use of the prosecutorial discretion this same Colorado Government gave to Former Montrose County D.A. Serra was convicted in January, 2012 of a felony extortion count and a misdemeanor count of unlawful sexual contact, along with charges related to bond violations. His sentence was 1 year in prison, which he never served. He was also disbarred as an Attorney and is now registered as a sex offender.
Serra's victims all testified during the sentencing hearing, calling their former boss a tyrant, dictator, sexual deviant and predator.This was a District Attorney who threatened the jobs of his employees, frequently exposed himself, grabbed them and forced them to provide sexual favors, crossing a line from harassment to assault, during a three year period.
Yet all he received from the law was a slap on the wrist. You see he was politically connected, one of "them" and Jamie Dowling is one of "us", a regular person who is vulnerable, to be made an example of.
Dismiss the absurd charges against Jamie or let her pay a small fine and leave her alone to grieve.
Certainly the D.A. has better things to do with his time, his staff and his budget in going after real criminals who are on the loose in that County.
If it were his own family or a politically connected, rich person, you know this case would never have been even started. Jamie is a vulnerable "regular" person who can't fight back, so the D.A. bully's her with his power.
Such a small tyrant he is, a disgrace to our Country, his State, humanity, and a symbol of how screwed up the U.S. has become when it comes to the dysfunctional legal system that harasses innocent people while letting the evil, guilty ones go relatively unpunished.
UPDATED MAY 1, 2013-
"NOW GO FORTH AND DO GOOD" incredibly is the stated motto of the 7th Judicial District in Colorado that this D.A. represents.
CLICK ON HERE TO SEE THIS FOR YOURSELF SHOWING YOU THE ABOVE HYPOCRITICAL, LYING MOTTO OF THE little D.A. bullying a grieving mother whose 2 little children have died. This is absolutely horrific that their motto of service to we the people, including Jamie Dowling have become so toxic, and twisted in the hands of a so called "defender of the people". Now Go Forth and Do Good! Truly ugly!
Despite over 205,000 people as of June 10th having signed the above petition, there has incredibly been NO action to withdraw the heartless criminal charges against Jamie Dowling by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper or the despicable little tyrant D.A., Dan Hotsenpiller.
Do the people of Colorado actually want pieces of toxic waste like these two politicians to represent them?
These 2 politicians don't seem to care, otherwise their behavior would be that of normal human beings in understanding the life sentence of endless emotional pain of this mother, instead of their being bully's who pick on a suffering, innocent mother, and her 2 dead toddlers.
It amazes me that the Governor has not yet ordered the little prosecutor to completely drop the charges against Jamie. It appears that no one in the State Govt. of Colorado has a heart or a soul, or compassion to STOP their cruelty towards this poor mother. Let her children Landryn and Rayleigh REST IN PEACE, let this family mourn in peace.
If this bothers you as it does me, AFTER you sign Bernadette's Petition above, you CAN STILL DO MORE TO STOP this gross miscarriage of the law.
Please feel free to share my blog post and the link with everyone you can think of as the more people involved in trying to help Jamie, the better chance we have in succeeding.
Please directly contact the Governor of Colorado by e-mailing him your feelings, calling his office, writing, also contact the Colorado Citizen's Advocate Office, and of course the little tyrant bully D.A. Apparently all asleep at the wheel in these places of so called justice.
John W Hickenlooper, Governor
136 State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203-1792
(303) 866-2471
(303) 866-2003
Write to the Governor here
Due to the heavy volume of e-mails sent to Governor Hickenlooper, we are unable to respond personally to each one, but please know that your input means a great deal to him.
Citizens' Advocate Office
127 State Capitol Denver, CO 80203 |
Phone 303-866-2885 800-283-7215 |
Fax 303-866-2003 |
MONTROSE COUNTY D.A.Office/ Contact Information
The main office for the DA is located in Montrose at 1200 North Grand, phone number 970-252-4260.The elected District Attorney for the Seventh Judicial District is Dan Hotsenpiller, who works out of the Montrose Office.
Not surprisingly, the current Montrose County D.A. Hotsenpiller was NEVER elected by the voters. He was appointed on January 21, 2011 by the current Governor to Replace Former Montrose County D.A. Myrl Serra-CLICK HERE- whose OFFICE was rocked Sept. 30 2010 by HIS arrest (former DA Myrl Serra), who
was charged with sex crimes against some of his employees, and charges he intimidated a woman who was a potential witness against him in another case.
Serra's victims all testified during the sentencing hearing, calling their former boss a tyrant, dictator, sexual deviant and predator.This was a District Attorney who threatened the jobs of his employees, frequently exposed himself, grabbed them and forced them to provide sexual favors, crossing a line from harassment to assault, during a three year period.
His court file -CLICK HERE-which has grown so thick it can no longer fit through the court clerk's window slot, details a three-year period when Serra turned the area's top law enforcement office into a crime scene. It became a place where, behind locked doors and closed blinds, his victims say he preyed on the vulnerable, exposed himself, bargained for sex and threatened some female employees with losing their jobs, their families and their reputations if they didn't do what he wanted. This from an e-mail to one of his victims: "I am the master. You can't mess with me."
Naturally Serra got the slap on the wrist reserved for those in the political cesspool of criminal felons.
Myrl Serra was facing a maximum of up to 15 years in prison, but special prosecutor Robert Shapiro said he doubts Serra will see any prison time as he will get credit for the time already served in the Montrose County Jail.
Following that, he will be on parole for a year and will begin the four years of probation at the same time.
Oh yeah- poor Mr. Serra- A pre-sentence report showed Serra has a previously undiagnosed narcissism disorder, and so as part of his probation, he must complete both mental health and sex offender treatment
What does any of this about former D.A. Serra have to do with current D.A. Hotsenpiller? NOTHING AND EVERYTHING!
Sooooooooo................ let me try to understand this circus of the absurd legal system .
Current D.A. Hotsenpiller came into power by being appointed, not elected, he was given a mandate by the Governor to clean up the Montrose County D. A.'s Office, but he has so much free time on his hands that he is now prosecuting a harmless victim of circumstances, grieving Jamie Dowling, as if she were a criminal, while convicted felons such as his former colleague Serra are given free get out of jail passes.
Not surprisingly 2 different sets of "justice rendered", one for the regular people like Jamie Dowling, the other for those who are politically connected. This stinking, slimy septic tank of politicians knows no depths of depravity when it comes to deciding who they choose to use the law against, and when to ignore it, based on their "club" of arrogance.
Shame on them all, a Governor who sits by idly once again while injustice reigns supreme, but in particular shame on the little tyrant Montrose County Colorado D.A. Hotsenpiller, who chooses to abuse a grieving mother, wasting the valuable resources of his Office, while his County is seemingly a toxic wasteland of corruption, "real" child abuse, crimes, predators, unlicensed drivers, drivers who are intoxicated, drivers who are under the influence of drugs, and all of the other serious criminal activities in his jurisdiction, that typically plague today's society in America.
Hotsenpiller when he was appointed as the acting D.A. stated-CLICK HERE- "He remains a firm believer in a strong judicial system as the foundation for a free and
prosperous society. Holding offenders accountable is important to me, crime,
disputes are going to happen, and only when we uphold the law can we be
prosperous and free. He views being district attorney as a heck of an opportunity and wants to seize it to make positive change".
The above are hollow words, sound bites, rhetoric from a D.A. who is just talking the double talk of bullshit. It's all really about him "being a District Attorney as a heck of an opportunity".
Take down the disingenuous, desecrated motto on the Courts and your website, remove it from your building, your documents, Mr. Hotsenpiller "NOW GO FORTH AND DO GOOD". Not likely, but we all know it's just a bunch of meaningless words to you and your cronies.
The above are hollow words, sound bites, rhetoric from a D.A. who is just talking the double talk of bullshit. It's all really about him "being a District Attorney as a heck of an opportunity".
Take down the disingenuous, desecrated motto on the Courts and your website, remove it from your building, your documents, Mr. Hotsenpiller "NOW GO FORTH AND DO GOOD". Not likely, but we all know it's just a bunch of meaningless words to you and your cronies.
You have not gone forth and done good in the case of Jamie Dowling. You have soiled once again the reputation of the Montrose County D.A. office by your actions and inaction's. You are a heartless, soulless bureaucrat who dispenses justice based on you own narcissistic, power hungry ego, and a corrupt dysfunctional system of laws that you manipulate to intimidate others for your own professional gain.
Shame on you, shame on the media which has basically avoided the Jamie Dowling case, totally missing the real issues of our crooked legal system being played out here, shame on the silent citizens of Montrose County, and Colorado.
You have all disgraced yourselves and I do not know how you can sleep at night.
Former Montrose County D.A. Myrl Serra (below) reacts to a judge's ruling during his sentencing hearing in his sexual abuse case with one of his attorneys, Peter Albani.
Current Montrose County D.A. Dan Hotsenpiller
END OF MAY 1, 2013 UPDATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
April 13, 2013Here we go again. Another arrogant, sick, stupid, mean spirited, power hungry, delusional, pathetic U.S. prosecutor, now it's in the the State of Colorado, using his powers to harass and intimidate a young mother whose 2 children, 5-year-old Landyn Scott and 2-year-old Rayleigh Kay, were killed in a car accident when her car skidded on an ice patch of highway while she was driving east of Gunnison, Coloroado.
Jamie has been charged with criminal offenses for this tragic accident of "careless driving causing death and driving without proof of insurance"-Click Here.
Prosecutors exercise unfettered discretion. This is an example of the abuse of this power .
Similar to the Aaron Swartz case where over zealous prosecutors literally harassed him to death-Click Here,
once again we are witnessing the complete insanity of our prostituted, prosecutorial legal system that oversteps it's powers because "they can" and "they are immune" from being held accountable for their abusive legal actions.
Today I received the following e-mail:
Jerry —
March 9, 2013 young mom Jamie Dowling was driving her two small kids, Landyn
and Raylee, on a snowy stretch of Colorado highway. Jamie was driving
slowly, and her kids were safely buckled in, but the roads were bad.
Jamie hit a patch of ice, her car careened into another lane, and she
was hit by oncoming traffic. Jamie was a nurse, and she tried to save
her kids' lives, but she couldn't. Landyn and Raylee both died that day.
Now the local
District Attorney is charging Jamie with two counts of "careless driving
resulting in death," threatening to send a grieving mom to jail.
My parents live right near
the spot of the crash -- so close that they heard the accident happen.
In fact, my stepdad was the first person on the scene, 20 minutes before
the ambulance arrived. When he got there, he said Jamie was trying to
revive her son, who was already dead. My stepdad had to pry Landyn out
of Jamie's arms just to get Jamie out of the car.
Jamie still struggles
everyday to move forward from the death of her children. Landyn was 5,
he loved cows and horses. Raylee was just 2, her favorite color was
pink, and she thought everything should have sparkles. Jamie had moved
her family from Texas to Colorado just a week before the accident, and
the whole family was excited for a new start.
My parents were there for
the worst moment of Jamie's life, watching her struggle to save her
children even though they were already gone.
We don't understand why the DA is insisting on dragging out Jamie's nightmare; it doesn't make any sense to us. But we were there for Jamie that day, and we're going to keep standing with her now.
I know other petitions on
Change.org have prompted District Attorneys to drop unfair charges
before -- I hope that if thousands of people sign my petition, DA
Hotsenpiller will end his senseless prosecution of Jamie Dowling.
Thank you,
Bernadette Bifano
Leadville, CO
Leadville, CO
Hasn't this mother suffered enough, she will be haunted with a life sentence of guilt, the death of her 2 children forever. What is going on in America is one case after another of sick, ego maniac, out of touch, incompetent prosecutors deliberately overstepping their powers to prosecute innocent, or easily intimated people.
The investigating officer -Click here-stated in his report 'that he did not detect excessive speed, alcohol or drug use as contributing factors to the crash. The snow on the road had been plowed before the crash, but fresh snow was falling at the time of the wreck." Jamie Dowling had a valid drivers license but because she had just moved 2 weeks before from Texas to Colorado, her insurance ID was not in the car.
Clearly these prosecutors appear to have too much much free time in their jobs.
Seems strange for them to have all this time to pick on "regular citizens" when they have all this legal power, since our entire Country is falling apart and the legal system is a rotting, corrupt, dysfunctional circus of injustice.
Here is a novel idea, how about prosecutors using their time more efficiently to enforce the actual critical criminal acts that they are sworn by law to protect the people of the United States, who as taxpayers fund their jobs.
How about enforcing the laws against real criminals who are preying on us, that are taking place in their legal jurisdictions which involve murders, drugs, robberies, child abuse, burglary, muggings, beatings by an endless litany of felons, who are often ignored,"slapped lightly" on the wrist by plea bargains that give them no prison time, or a couple of months in jail.
Don't ever forget about all those DUI and DWI drivers, the revolving door of drivers with no licenses who murder, injure other innocent people and are NEVER HELD LEGALLY ACCOUNTABLE for their killing, maiming of innocent victims.
In many states such as California there is almost no legal enforcement of driving without a license, even in cases where the unlicensed driver kills another person with his car.
Jamie Dowling as indicated, has a valid license, she did NOT kill her children, it was a car accident caused by ice on the road that made her lose control of her car. Why is she being prosecuted, what laws did she truly break, and why is she being treated this way, when criminals are not?
Official statistics compiled by Don Rosenberg at his online website "Unlicensed To Kill" indicate clearly what many of us already know, that there is a widespread epidemic in our country of murdering, injuring, innocent victims by unlicensed drivers with little enforcement by the Courts once these cases reach our dysfunctional legal system -Click here-
Mr. Rosenberg's son Drew, 25 years old, a second year law student was killed by an unlicensed driver, who happened to also be an illegal alien.
The prosecutor in this case offered a plea bargain to the killer of pleading guilty to driving the wrong way on a one way street and the charges for driving without a license and driving without insurance would be dropped
Amazingly, the charges against the killer of his son were eventually reduced by a Judge from a felony to a slap on the wrist of 6 months in jail plus 1 day off the sentence, for every day of "good behavior in jail".
My son Steven Nathaniel Wolkoff, 30 years old, was also killed by an unlicensed driver who was also DUI, and others whose negligence contributed to their killing him-Click Here.
The Justice system did nothing, they "circled their wagons of corruption" and tried to cover up what had happened. We as a family fought hard and did our very best to obtain what little justice we could for his death.
Prosecutors protect their asses all the time, colluding with the other government agencies to protect each others mistakes, vying for promotions, political office, and selectively choosing when, who, and how justice, if at all, will be served. They disgrace themselves and the victims that they are supposed to protect by pursuing the most vulnerable of us, the dead, the poor, those that don't have the financial resources to legally fight for their rights.
Let us also not forget the free pass they all have given to Corporate criminals, Banks, and the rich who buy their freedom with money and in return, the justice system circus leaves them alone
This is what makes the ludicrous charges being brought against Jamie Dowling so compelling.This ARROGANCE OF THE LAW is completely OUT OF CONTROL and has to be stopped NOW!.
Only through generating bad publicity can we stop this idiot prosecutor in Colorado from further destroying what is left of Jamie Dowling's life.
YOU CAN make a difference in this absurd case of government injustice where those who are innocent get punished and those who are criminals are let free.
YOU CAN make a difference by signing this petition because the ONLY thing that stops prosecutorial abuse such as this is the voice of we the people generating enough bad publicity, so that this scum bag prosecutor will try to protect his job, and his ass by dropping these asinine illegal charges against Jamie Dowling.
To me this case against Jamie Dowling seems like prosecutorial misconduct-Click here for a Report on Prosecutorial Misconduct in the State of California-but understand that this is happening in every State.
The very people who are responsible for ensuring truth and justice, law enforcement officials and prosecutors, lose sight of these obligations and instead focus solely on securing convictions, or worse their own egos make make them play "god".
It will take you less than a minute to sign the petition, please do it now and don't sit back ignoring what they are trying to do to this victim, a mother, and a human being who is suffering the ultimate loss, her two precious children.