Friday, July 22, 2011


                        Will You?

The Coroner supposedly has broad legal powers to do  just about anything to a dead body. The body allegedly no longer belongs to the person, or his/her surviving loved ones, the Coroner owns it. But the Coroner does not own the body's soul or have the right to desecrate that persons humanity.

In our multiple legal cases, we are standing up for Justice to be given to Steven. Not only for the sake of holding those responsible for killing him, but also for Steven's dignity, the sacredness of a human body, and that there are certain inalienable moral, legal rights, legal obligations to protect the dignity of the human body in it's final disposition. We also want to prevent this unimaginable horrifying pain from happening to future families.

Importantly, the Coroner over 1 year after his Office, and his own forensic pathologist determined beyond a doubt in the Official Coroners Final written Report that Steven was killed by injuries not consistent with the collision, they then released Steven's brain to a private Pathologist hired by San Mateo County and their private ambulance subcontractor AMR. In doing so, he knowingly violated State Laws and Professional ethics, when he allowed her to newly dissect Steven's brain, physically remove his brain, along with other parts of his remains, to her office, away from the sworn, sealed protection supposed to be provided by the Coroner's office.

All this was done in response to the defendants attempting to mount a legal  defense that Steven would have died anyway from brain damage caused by the collision (not true and she couldn't even medically prove it after all of this).

This information accidentally slipped out at the deposition of the SMC County Corners own Pathologist who did the original autopsy. There certainly was no medical need to have a consultation done a year later, or a sudden need for medical, scientific research to be done, as he had determined the cause of death a year before. We knew nothing about any of this, our consent was never asked, and it was a cruel, inhuman, disrespectful desecration done to Steven's body.

More importantly Steven has received no justice for their stealing his life and killing him. Incompetent para-medics, defective medical machines, a DUI impaired driver (an illegal undocumented alien) who never even had a drivers license in his life, another additional driver who made a series of  dangerously illegal motor vehicle violations, including making a left turn from the highway left speed lane while he was at a full stop, a defective, inherently flawed road design, a known highway death trap, on and on, one mistake after another, no-one takes responsibility, no one is held accountable, no one says they are sorry. It is a game to them.

Killing an innocent human being, an American citizen, my son Steven Nathaniel Wolkoff, in San Mateo County California, is seemingly no big deal and not 1 person has come forward with the truth since they all got lawyered up. They all know the truth but seem to now prefer to cover their asses.

They try to erase Steven Nathaniel Wolkoff's life as if he never existed. What if this was your innocent child, could you rest knowing that the truth is being hidden by others.? Would you not expect the honesty and dignity from me, my neighbors, if your child was killed traveling through my community? We would tell the truth here and understand that every human life is precious. Apparently NOT so in San Mateo!

Many of you used to communicate with me openly, in a caring way, and helped me in a courageous manner to gather evidence. What happened since then to you and your neighbors, you are now silent?

I KNOW that some of you are good people who could provide information leading to Justice for Steven's negligent death. You check into the blog because your conscience is guilty. How do you live with yourself knowing that your personal selfish fears of telling the truth, have provided not a whiff of justice for my son Steven's life being stolen from him at the age of 30? 

You can still choose to come forward, even do it anonymously, and give the true information to make things right, think about it, your guilt will only get worse if you don't, it will otherwise haunt you forever. 

This is your choice to make, but I guarantee you, unless you tell what you know, you are doomed to a lifetime of guilt.
Is it possible that there is not at least one brave human being in San Mateo County involved in all of this, who will come forward and recognize that a human life is precious?

As for the legal system, it is a disgraceful, dysfunctional mess. "Democracy Freedom, Respect of basic human rights, Justice served", bullshit. The Law is used to hide behind, victims have no voice, the Government entities claim immunity from everything they are guilty of, or have hordes of lawyers to stall the legal proceedings. They even get away with delays by pleading budgetary poverty as a reason to not mount a defense. Can you imagine a regular citizen being allowed to do that? This is a sick farce, a circus, but there is no other civilized option in San Mateo county.

This is why I will not stop fighting until it's all over, and I WILL do the best I can. WILL YOU?

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