The WHO on Friday reported the global death toll is now 139,115.
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, whose data is widely used and has been tracking higher than the official CDC and WHO numbers, said the total number of cases worldwide was 2,218,132 as of this afternoon, with 148,654 deaths. The center says 3.4 million people have recovered from COVID-19.
The U.S. has more total cases now than the combined cases in Spain, France, Germany and Italy, the countries with the most infections in Europe, per WHO data. Spain remains the most infected country outside the U.S. with 182,816 cases, while Italy has the most deaths at 22,172. On Friday, the UK became the fourth country in Europe to surpass 10,000 deaths.
The WHO on Friday reported the global death toll is now 139,115.
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, whose data is widely used and has been tracking higher than the official CDC and WHO numbers, said the total number of cases worldwide was 2,218,132 as of this afternoon, with 148,654 deaths. The center says 3.4 million people have recovered from COVID-19.
The U.S. has more total cases now than the combined cases in Spain, France, Germany and Italy, the countries with the most infections in Europe, per WHO data. Spain remains the most infected country outside the U.S. with 182,816 cases, while Italy has the most deaths at 22,172. On Friday, the UK became the fourth country in Europe to surpass 10,000 deaths.
So the U.S. will reopen it's economy, State by State depending on decisons made by the Governors of each State that supposedly will be based on certain criteria. that deeply concern me.There is a killer, predator virus pandemic named Covid-19 that is lurking everywhere. It sickens and kills innocent human beings who are elderly and also young people, many who are not sufferring from any underlying medical conditions,by infecting them silently, spreading like a wild fire in a dry forest.
There is NOTHING that any "expert" truly knows or understands about this virus and it's behavior now and in the future. No-one knows if it will create a 2nd, and 3rd wave like the Spanish flu pandemic did here in 1918.The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920, it infected 500 million people about a third of the world's population at the time.[ The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.The reason for the imprecise infection and death toll figures is that govts.deliberately hid the true amounts because they "didn't want to affect the morale of the people", in other words they lied to hide the truth.
There is NO treatmment for the covid 19 virus, it basically does what it wants regardless of any medical intervention. Supposedly certain unreliable anti-body tests because none of have undergone rigorous criteria to determine if they are accurate re-false negatives/false positives. Some have said that if you test positive for these antibodies that you are now immune from the virus and not contagious, but no-one knows that , especially if the virus mutates. There is also NO understanding whether this virus mutates into another form, or reoccurs in those that have recovered from it. Yet it is being assumed that therefore it is supposedly safe for that person to stop social distancing, etc.
Then there are unrelaible tests that determine whether you are currently infected with the virus or not. These tests also have not undergone rigorous criteria to determine if they are accurate re-false negatives/false positives. Some have also said that if you test negative that you do not have the virus and are not contagious, therfore it is supposedly safe for that person to stop social distancing no more lockdown for them.
All of the above tests are manufactured by different company's, their results are NOT interchangeable to compare with other Company's tests, and the methods of processing these results are all different among these Co's. You also must buy all your lab testing machines, lab testing chemicals from that specific Co. as they will not work with materials from the other Co's .
There is data that is also being used to make determination about lifting the lockdowns. How many people have been infected currently, in the past, and how many people have died, plus watching the daily amount of new cases/deaths. The problem with using this data is that it grossly underestimates the number of people who have had the virus, those who have died from it, and those who currently have the virus. This has been done by incompetence, sometimes deliberately undercounting the people who have been sick/died and other factors, such as those who have died at home, died in nursing homes, or just died without an autopsy done.
There are also "silent killers, people who have no symptoms but are in fact contagious carriers of the virus, then infecting whoever they personally interact with. These people don't even know they have the Covid19 virus.
In the final analysis, I believe that most of the data is false and yet it is being used to make life/death decisions of when the virus is "under control"
There are clearly short term and potentially long term physical/mental affects of many who have had the virus and recovered. Their lungs have often been permanently damaged, kidney function has been compromised, heart and other organs may be affected. Cognitive processes of the brain have been noted in many who have survived, memory loss, post traumatic stress disorder, brain fog, lack of abilityto concentrate, depression, weakness, balance problems, etc.
My point is that taking into account all of the above how can any medical person, infectious disease "expert", or governor determine when it is safe to stop the lockdowns.It is the lockdowns that have demonstrated that it will translate into less virus infections/deaths. Lifting of it's restrictions prematurely can cause a huge increase in new cases and many more deaths.
What I see is that with all these unknowns, decisons have and will be made that it is OK for more people to die because money/the economy trumps the value of human lives. By doing this, it is the real creation of death panels that have now assumed priority of money over human lives. By minimizing the dangers of the Covid virus, lying trump, lying gop flunkeys and ignorant people who believe these lies, will march our country into an even worse disaster.
I hope I am wrong, but there is nothing so far that makes me feel confident that any of the politicians knows if what they are doing is in the best interest of keeping the public safe. Do you trust our gov't to get this right? I don't and want to see a safer, much better plan than human liives are disposable,expendable, and it doesn't matter who gets sick/dies. That is unacceptable to make decisions that equate a balance that favors the economy over the lives of you, me, our loved ones, and the rest of our population. No amount of deaths, sickness ,suffering that is preventable should be tolerated by us as human beings.
I will keep fighting for the sanctity of human lives. if you and I are still here to survive all of this.
Do you own a special right to rob us of our loved ones, of our lives, of our time, our finances, heritage and hopes? Of our peace of mind?
You can’t be hassled to put on ONE THIN MASK?
Where is National Solidarity with your own Compatriots?
Where is Patriotic Selflessness, Intelligence and Compassion?
Where is National Superiority and Vision?
Do you know what an 80-year old or 90-year or 100-year old life represents?
A century of history witnessed and sacrifices made, a treasure chest of memories, stories, firsthand knowledge and wisdom, a caudal of solutions forgotten to humanity that may save our future.
A century of hugs, kisses and smiles shared with every life they’ve touched along the way.
Somebody’s parent, grandparent, great-grandparent and even great great grandparent and their unique transmitter of culture, family history, identity, continuity, purpose and values.
The most fragile living crystal of human heritage you could ever imagine, that is a never-ending fountain of information, anecdotes, observations, formulas, sage advice, graceful puns twinkling smiles, and above all, pure love.
A never-ending fountain of tenderness.
And... You can’t be hassled to put on A LIGHT MASK?
Do you know what a Mother is?
She is her children’s World.
She is their incubator for growth.
She is their nurturer, physically and emotionally, aesthetically and spiritually.
She is their sense of beauty, affection, and everything feminine and cozy in the world.
She is the one person in the world who knows them intimately, who reads their face and mind, who knows what they need before they themselves do.
She is their conspirator and strategist.
She is the only person in the world who will care 100% unconditionally for them for life.
And ditto for a Father.
And... You can’t be hassled to put on AN EFFORTLESS MASK?
Do you know the sacrifices we make throughout a lifetime to study, to grow and learn, to take care of ourselves, to be a better person, to make a contribution in the world?
Do you know the time it takes to build a home, a career, a family, a cause, a legacy?
Do you know how hard we’ve tried through life’s ups and downs, and risen from the ashes just to be there for those we love when they need us?
And... You can’t be hassled to put on a 2-SECOND MASK?
If you don’t care about yourself,
If your loved ones are dispensable to you,
If you don’t want to give this importance,
If you failed to educate yourself and have nothing better to do than consume conspiracy videos and delirious talk radio instead of Science and observing the empirical evidence of people dying all around you,
If you tout convenience and indulgence as your “freedoms” and can’t make a sacrifice during wartime for your own compatriots,
If you relish the idea of prolonguing this pandemic until people lose their homes, the economy crashes, our food supply chains collapse and there is famine, so you can pull out your Rambo gear,
If you have a God complex, think you’re invincible or have an exclusive right to destroy people’s lives,
... carry on with that in your own mind.
Just DO NOT rob someone of their mother or their father, a child of their precious grandparents, society of its elders, or an elder of their right to longevity and to enjoy life after surviving a century.
DO NOT threaten your fellow human being’s inherent Right to Life. Your rights end where ours begin.
Every time you go out WITHOUT A MASK, you’re setting back the quarantine clock to ZERO for all of us.
YOU are the only conduit for spreading the virus – it has no other way of surviving past a few days on its own.
The mask does not only say you’re protecting yourself: It says you CARE.
It says you’re protecting others around you.
It says you’re a responsible citizen with a head on your shoulders.
It says you’re protecting your country and humanity to get out of this as quickly as possible and back to normal life.
It says you’re not a procrastinator and you’re not going to drag this out eternally for the rest of us.
People showing their full faces outside right now are saying, with their full face as a neon sign:
I don’t care if you die,
I don’t care if I kill your family,
I don’t care if you have to stay inside and out of work for another two months or a year,
I don’t care if you go bankrupt and lose your home, your business, your life savings and retirement, your child's college fund, the last cent of your family's emergency money,
I don't care about the pregnant, newborns, elderly, handicapped, immuno-compromised, the vulnerable, minorities or indigenous communities,
I don’t care if our society crashes.
Who are you?
Your face will become a poster of criminal negligence, and it will get recorded for posterity, as everyone all around photographs, videos and documents this moment of History. You can bet someone will make a collage of those unmasked faces.
Seriously, do you want to be that person?
Do you wear a seatbelt? How long does it take to click?
Is this message a bit strong? The consequences of not wearing a mask and following safety protocol right now are far stronger.
THIS terrifying animation shows how coronavirus particles from a single cough can hang in the air "several minutes" and spread across two aisles of a supermarket.
Scientists created a computer simulation to study how far the virus can travel indoors - and worryingly found how a cloud of droplets will infect others even after the sick person has walked away.
The simulation shows how immediately after someone coughs (right), coronavirus particles are spread across a supermarket aisle and go airborne. The blue particles show those at lower heights, the yellow ones are higher upCredit: Aalto University
After a minute, huge numbers of particles remain in the aisle and the cloud is headed into the next aisleCredit: Aalto University
Two minutes into the simulation and while the densest part of the coronavirus particle cloud remains in the original aisle, the virus has spread to the next aisle and the cloud is moving into another
The scientists involved say that the best way to avoid catching the virus is to stay away from busy public spaces like shops and stations.
Professor Ville Vuorinen of Aalto University in Finland told the BBC: "If you go there, only go there seldom as possible. Stay there as short a time as possible"
In a statement accompanying the video, the researchers said: "Preliminary results indicate that aerosol particles carrying the virus can remain in the air longer than was originally thought, so it is important to avoid busy public indoor spaces.
"This also reduces the risk of droplet infection, which remains the main path of transmission for coronavirus."
The study was conducted by scientists from Finland's Aalto University, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and the University of Finland.
Experts researched how small airborne aerosol particles are transported in the air when emitted from the respiratory tract when sneezing, coughing or even talking.
They said: "In the situation under investigation, the aerosol cloud spreads outside the immediate vicinity of the coughing person and dilutes in the process.
"However, this can take up to several minutes.
“Extremely small particles of this size do not sink on the floor, but instead, move along in the air currents or remain floating in the same place."
Professor Vuorinen also said: "Someone infected by the coronavirus can cough and walk away, but then leave behind extremely small aerosol particles carrying the coronavirus.
"These particles could then end up in the respiratory tract of others in the vicinity."