NYS-Anyone who lives or lived in New York State who has graduated or not graduated High School will always remember the archaic requirement of having to pass the Regents Exams in order to receive a High School Diploma. Regents exams in NYS began in the year 1878 as a requirement to receive a high school diploma.
That's right folks, the so called "progressive" State of NY has been doing this standardized torture of its students SINCE 1878 and claiming it as a way to measure a students educational "competence" to graduate high school. Students over all these years have been victims of totally unnecessary stress, anxiety, and demands forced on them to pass these worthless tests or fail to graduate with a diploma.
Well guess what? In the infinite wisdom of current NYS education officials they are PROPOSING the elimination of the mandatory Regents Tests requirement and replacing it with a menu of numerous other options to test a students educational competence.
Maybe, just maybe they have finally realized that what these tests measures was how good you are at taking tests and NOT necessarily how "educated" you actually are. High school classes are often "taught" on the basis of what you needed to know in order to pass the Regents tests and NOT to encourage exploring the vast universe of all the education available out there that doesn't get covered in the Regents tests.
However, now in the year of 2024 it will take a lot of time for these "brilliant" education bureaucrats to actually make this happen.
It's not enough that this byzantine requirement has remained mandatory in NYS for 146 years to torture students but it still remains as a proposal while CONTINUING to being studied more by even higher educational "experts" in the NYS educational chain of command before they may decide to approve it as a Law.
Say, like more than at least a year from now, because it takes time for these super experts to explore the obvious.
"Though state officials did not take action on the proposed changes on Monday, they are moving toward implementing the 12 recommendations that a 64-member Blue Ribbon Commission unveiled last year, which included calling for assessment options beyond the Regents exams, broadening access to career and technical education, creating additional credit requirements in subjects like cultural competence, writing, STEM, and more, as well as other changes.
Education officials will present a full plan for implementation to the Regents in November, with projected timelines as well as further details about possible fiscal and regulatory implications of the changes"
Yes, especially explore the "possible FISCAL and regulatory implications of the (proposed) changes". You know in the business of educational testing it is a lucrative, money making scheme for all those involved as being part of the educational testing cartel system.
Hey, but slow progress is better than nor progress, right?
Perhaps NYS will eventually or not get around to making these changes by the year 2050?
Time will tell.